The Power of a Good Nap

I’m writing this post at 10:30 PM on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. I mention this because I’ll be scheduling the post to go live a few days from now. I also mention this because I took two naps today.

The first I took at 2:30 PM. As I already mentioned a few times, I got COVID back over Christmas and while I’m doing ok, I tend to get fatigued a lot earlier in the day than I used to. I suspect it’s something that will clear up in a few weeks or months. At 2:30 PM I was seriously dragging. So I closed my office door, set an alarm for 3 PM, closed my eyes and went to sleep. At 3 PM, my alarm went off, and I went back to work for another two and a half hours until I went to pick up the kids from swim.

The second nap I took at 8:30 PM. We had finished dinner, I was sitting on the couch, and I just leaned over and went to sleep. I woke up at around 9 but continued to slide in and out of consciousness until 9:30 PM when I got up and put my daughter to bed.

Why am I talking about napping? Two reasons:

  1. I realized that when I talked about sleep several days ago I neglected to mention that I do tend to take a nap more or less every other day. On average, I probably nap 3 or 4 hours a week. If I’m dragging, I take a nap. If I’m going to take a nap it tends to happen mid afternoon or after supper and it’s usually 30 minutes long.
  2. Short naps are a bit of a super power. Seriously, if your schedule is sufficiently flexible, the next time you’re dragging a bit, close the door, dim the lights, set an alarm for 30 minutes, and take a nap. You’ll be far more productive when you get back to work and those 30 minutes spent napping will more than pay for themselves in boosted focus and productivity.

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