Back at the start of this year I wrote out my plans for 2021. I summarized my plans into five takeaways. Today I want to look back and see how I did in 2021 relative to the plans I laid out a year ago.
1. Professional Plan: Do the Hardest Thing First, Manage My Time, Build Processes
I had one professional plan for 2021 which was: “As COO, I plan to do the hardest thing first, manage my time, and build processes rather than just complete tasks.“
So how did I do? Well, this is entirely subjective but off the cuff I’d give myself an 80%.
In general, I did dig in on the most challenging tasks, I managed my time reasonably well, and I did build processes rather than complete tasks. Of the three, this latter point I was the most effective at implementing. Time management is an ongoing project, but overall I did ok in 2021.
2. Run a Trail Marathon in April and Trail 50k in November
I would grade my progress on this plan as an 80%: “I plan to gradually increase my running routine with the goal of being prepared to run a trail marathon in April and a trail 50k in November.” I did run a trail marathon in April and a trail 50k in November, but I injured myself during the trail 50k which suggests that perhaps I didn’t quite hit the mark on the “being prepared” element of this plan.
3. Minimize News Consumption and Use of Social Media
Fail. Complete fail.
What I should really do is delete my personal social media accounts and hire a VA to manage my professional social media accounts. I think once I repeat that out loud a dozen times or so I’ll work up the intestinal fortitude to actually do it.
I also need to stop checking the headlines. I check them way too frequently.
4. Focus on a Few Key Projects Around the House
While I made some good progress around the house, I didn’t accomplish some of the specific projects I had identified in last years year-end post:
- Get the remainder of the yard under control: I made some progress, but it’s not completely under control.
- Get all of the trim on the house repainted: Didn’t happen. Needs to happen. I did redo a half dozen problem areas, so I did address the most pressing issue.
- Install a sump pump in the crawl space: This didn’t happen, but I also no longer think it’s necessary. The drainage issues I corrected in the front yard appear to have completely resolved the flooding issue I had.
- Install a second washer/dryer set in the basement: I didn’t personally install the hookups, but I did hire a contractor to come in an install hookups. I now do all my own laundry in the basement each weekend.
The house is in good shape overall. We did also decide to go ahead with installing a pool this year and we’re getting really close to having that project wrapped up.
5. Be Present for My Kids and Wife
I’m very happy to say that I did pretty well on this plan. I wasn’t perfect. There were times I was distracted, stressed, or too busy, but overall, I did a good job of setting aside time for my family.
Summing Up
If you’ve been keeping score, stop it. That’s not the point. 😜
The point is just to look back, think about what went well, what could have done better, and what needs to be better in 2022.